Hi u olls. How are u ? Hope everything fine. Hehe. Lame da kot xupdate entry. Kali ni nk update about
Nogori pulokkks. This is a state that famous with ADAT. Adat Pepatih. Nak tahu more about this states
supposed to be, rajin2 and ringan2 kan la jari jemari anda utk mnx bantuan Abg Google. Abg Google pasti
tidak mengecewakan anda. If mengecewakan jugak, Xdapet den nk nolong. Ok guys, this is my first time in
my life menjejakkan kaki ke N9, bukanlah xpernah but what i mean xpenah jejakkan kaki shgga mngglkn
jejak. Hahaha. Pening u olllsssss. In the easy word, xpenah stay at here (N9) la. The reason why i came
here is, FREE. Everything is free include fee,transportation,meals, accomodation and etc. Free of charge.
The first picture was taken:
'HOTEL' d'agroloka
The reason why i bold the word HOTEL is, this place we were stayed for a few days along the program was
conducted. This is not hotel actually. This is a 'KEM'. Kem macam budak2 PLKN tu. Duduklah dalam
dewan agroloka ni, dgr briefing from the komanden. Is quite bored. Really bored actually.
unexpected activity
Unexpected bcoz, i'm not ready for such activities. You know, of course you don't know. Hahaha. Actually,
i just bring only one trouser, tu pon yg i pakai. As i know, program ni more on cuti2 Malaysia, but i was
wrong. Tu la, sape soh xdtg meeting. Pastu org lain buat aktiviti jd penonton jek. Sometimes, rase rugi sbb
xdpt bersama2 dgn ahli kumpulan yg lain, but at the same time, i was really happy la sbb xyah nk buat aktiviti
yg quite meng'geli'kan ni.
terowong katak kongkong
After they've done the first task, they need to cross the terowong katak kongkong. Pelik kn name2 check
point ni. Kongkong la kangkang la kangkung la. Fenin2.
my teammates.
giler2 gamba semuanyer
Dayang : both of u are my best friend beb !
The picture w/out editting :
Done for the part 1. Another picture will appear on the next entry. See u ollsss soon. Thank you.
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